Australia's mining exports to China saw it all but shrug off the financial crisis, but talk of the Asian giant slowing shook the market this week,planchas ghd casting a pall over Canberra's surplus hopes.

ghd planchas baratas Dubbed the "Wonder from Down Under" for its enviable performance in the global crisis, Australia has been riding the crest of a China-driven commodities boom that has flooded its economy with cash.

ghd planchas baratas It was the only advanced economy to dodge recession during the downturn, quickly rebounding from a brief contraction on bullish demand from Asia to record growth and unemployment said to be the envy of the world.

ghd planchas baratas But BHP Billiton's warning this week that Chinese iron ore demand had plateaued and would soon hit "single digits if it's not already there" pelo ghd sent the commodities-driven Australian dollar and stock market sliding.

ghd planchas baratas Australian forecasts the following day confirmed "moderating growth" in the Asian giant this year and further easing in commodity prices.

ghd planchas baratas The cost of iron ore, Australia's key export to China for steelmaking, was tipped to drop eight percent from the 2011 average, according to the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE).

ghd planchas baratas China, the world's largest consumer of raw materials, has targeted growth of 7.5 percent for 2012, well off last year's 9.2 percent and 10.4 percent in 2010.

ghd planchas baratas On top of that,ghd españa Beijing saw a trade deficit of US$31.48 billion in February, while a closely watched HSBC preliminary index of Chinese manufacturing activity hit a four-month low in March as export growth slumped.